Monday, December 20, 2010

Cool ! really!!!

These were on the side of the mountain.

On the way home from Greenhills School this afternoon,
Jack stopped along the side of the road so I could take pictures.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Party @ the Dog House !!!

Our Sunday School class had our Christmas Party and nkc building. Great food and great friends ! Easier to socialize than a restaurant. Thanks Delbert!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Below are pictures I took of Terriann, on a whim, Thanksgiving afternoon! I love they way they turned out, she is so cute!

The pillow was there and It looks like she is laying on roses !

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hot Hot Hot !!!

When Rusty was going through the fire academy they had a controled burn!
They set fire to things to show how they worked together to put them out,
and these are a few of the pictures I took ! So Cool, yet So Hot !!!

I took over 600 pictures that night, so more might show up from time to time.
 It was such a neat experience, thanks Rusty for the invite.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa !!!

He stopped by so the girls could have there pictures made with him and
 tell him what they wanted for christmas ! Who needs the mall santa ?

 Molly wasn't sure this year about the jolly man !

 It took Addie a few times to talk to him without tears !

 Evie wouldn't sit on his lap, but she did get closer this year, maybe next year !!

Santa even let big girls get there pictures made with him !!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa is coming to town !!!

Actually he stopped by the Pickel house, and
here are a few of the pictures I got while the girls were waiting.

 Addie reading a christmas book!

 Evie reading the same book

Just waiting on Santa to show up !!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

One more time !

When we took our Christmas Card pictures a few days ago, I wanted to get pics of the girls with their family and Addie was willing but Molly was over it so here is one more picture of the Pickel family !

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Pickels - part 2

 Addie with the snowmen !

 Time for a quick hug !

                Addie was off to find Molly so I got a chance to snap a few of
Summer & Rusty by themselves.

I'm back !!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I have been crazy tring to finish decorating the house ! I will try to do better !!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Pickels

Summer asked me to take their family pics before our Christmas Cards pictures!
This is Addie's first outfit, so cute!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Black Friday !!

A sneak peak of the family I took pictures of today !

Then went to Fantasy of Trees with Molly and family!
However the day started of with Jack putting brakes on my car, sweet husband!!!
No Black Friday shopping for me this year, hope all who did had fun!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to all !!!

                     Addie outside on tracy's porch and down front outside !